1.Free warranty conditions:

Products are warranted free of charge when the following conditions are met:

– The product has a warranty period and is registered for warranty (from the date stated in the invoice and proof of purchase).

-The product is damaged by internal components or by the manufacturer.

– There must be Tien Hung’s warranty stamp on the product.

– The serial number and seal on the product must be intact, not torn or lost

2. Warranty terms for a fee:

Regulations on products not covered by free warranty:

– The product has passed the free warranty period.

– Using improperly according to the manual, using the wrong voltage will damage the product

– Warranty stamp on the product is torn, broken, overlaid or modified.

– The product is damaged by external influences such as: falling, breaking, impacting, scratching, denting, rusting, leaking water or by fire, natural disaster, insect intrusion.

– The case and accompanying accessories such as: power cord, signal wire, line straightener, remote control, control battery, fan on the device, or equipment caused by a damaged fan causes fire or explosion.

-Free software included with the device.

– The product has signs of repair before bringing it to Tien Hung company

-Clean and clean the machine.

3.Product and warranty period:

Warranty period is 12 months from the date of delivery.

Maintenance and repair time for the machine depends on the agreement between Tien Hung and the customer.

4. Warranty and maintenance locations:

You can bring the device to the address:  1/80 Cau Xeo, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City  to receive genuine warranty, or we will send someone down to the place to repair the machine for you. client.

*Warranty does not include shipping and handling costs

Address: 1/80 Cau Xeo, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan Phu District, HCMC